Hardware equipment in Dresden testbed finalized
December 03, 2024 | Installation of LIDAR and RADAR completed

With the installation of a lidar system from LiangDao and a radar system from smartmicro (based on NXP sensors), the hardware setup in the Dresden testbed is now complete. Both systems allow the detection of objects as well as the classification and tracking. In addition, colleagues from XITASO will use the infrared cameras and edge computers provided by Fraunhofer IVI for object detection, object tracking, and fusion.
Third consortial meeting
October 10, 2024 | Consortial meeting hosted by NXP, Hamburg

Colleagues from all project partners met in Hamburg to discuss the current state as well as to make plans for the final year of the project. This included discussions on use cases and the final demonstrations.
Measurement campaing in Dresden
May 2, 2024 | Multi-modal sensor measurements conducted at Strehlener Platz, Dresden

Colleagues from XITASO and LiangDao conducted a measurement campaign at Strehlener Platz, Dresden, to collect multi-modal sensor data using a mobile system. Sensor modalities included LIDAR, Infrared- and RGB-cameras. The collected data will be used to train detection algorithms.
One goal of VALISENS is the prevention of accidents with Vulnerable Road Users (VRU), like pedestrians or cyclists. As Strehlener Platz was identified as one hot spot for accidents with Vulnerable Road Users (VRU) in Dresden, it was a natural choice for the measurement campaign.
Project VALISENS presented to a professional audience
December 8, 2023 | Pitch presentation at the Automated Driving Conference
Dr. Andreas Eich from LiangDao GmbH, on behalf of all research partners, introduced the VALISENS project to a large audience at the TÜV SÜD conference.
Together with colleagues from XITASO GmbH IT & Software Solutions, the exciting, open, and diverse presentations and discussions were also utilized to gain a deeper understanding of automated driving.
This allows the project developments to be even better aligned with the needs of manufacturers and implementers.
A Cooperative Sensor System for Reliable Assisted Driving
October 17, 2023 | Consortium partners of the VALISENS project gather in Dresden
During the first consortium meeting, the partners of the research project "VALISENS – Valid Innovative Overall Sensor System for Cooperative Automated Driving" convened at Fraunhofer IVI to present and discuss initial results. The project aims to purposefully create a holistic environmental perception for assisted driving, consisting of peripheral infrastructure and the ego-perspective of the vehicle.
The generated comprehensive and valid sensor image serves as a crucial input for automated driving functions within the cooperative overall system. Initial developments have already been showcased at the Fraunhofer IVI test track.